Guide to Fashion Hair Color Brands Reddit

I am a Hair Color Pharmacist...AMA

Hullo, I have been a hair color chemist for over x years, worked with several major brands, and I even have my own line of color on the market, ask me annihilation! I'll start answering questions at 10 am pacific.

edit: Proof was provided to the mods/Grammar

edit two: I'll go along to bladder in and out and answer any questions well-nigh hair color, go along em coming.

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level 1

Modern Moderator Achievement · 5 yr. agone long and gingery (Youtube: Silvousplaits)

OP gave the mods proof, so ask away!

level 1

I have a hair mystery to solve!! I've been purple for a couple years at present. I'm natually dark brunette merely have been lightened to a level 8-9. 6 months ago I had to try a new stylist. She bleached my roots and added "Wild Orchid" Pravana to the newly bleached roots. I didn't like it and put "Violet" Pravana over it a week later. Well that band of faded Wild Orchid Kees showing up after the Violet fades. Went to a new stylist (and much amend with bleach and fantasy colors) and she bleached my roots and used the Pravana product that removes vivids on the foreign band I had (information technology seriously looked like a pink halo in my purple hair). Subsequently finishing at that place was no ring, my hair was a solid level 9. She covers information technology in Lurid Anarchism Velvet, sits for 45 minutes, rinses, blow dries...andddd the ring is dorsum in the SAME SPOT. Her bleach job above and the bleach below the band is taking the Velvet beautifully...the band (which was platinum after color removal) is dark pink/purple (basically back to wild Orchid). We are BAFFLED....can't figure out what the previous girl did. Thinking peradventure she burned or over processed my pilus and now that ring is damaged to a point where it doesn't take color? Thoughts on the mystery??

level ii

What has happened is that the Pravana Hair Color Extractor doesn't actually remove the dyes it shifts them to a clear state using Sodium Hydrosulfite. When y'all employ another colour on top information technology shifts it back to a colored country due to the pH being in the range that is needed for the dyes to regain their colored country. This particular system is actually more suited for removing oxidation dyes even though that isn't how its marketed. If i may requite a recommendation endeavor a clear oxidative color processed with twenty volume, this can pull some directly dyes out just you'll have to take care to avoid the color yous don't want pulled. I'm actually working on a production for this very thing but its difficult due to having so many unlike dyes within a system and they all accept different resistances.

level 1

I darken my naturally ginger hair with body art quality henna. I'm considering dying my roots and tips with a vivid red box dye. Exercise I have anything to be concerned about? Will the (permanent) red box dye sink in on henna treated pilus? Can I henna over the cerise roots later? Thanks!

level 2

I recollect the only concern would be making certain the henna is mostly faded out, the agile ingredient in henna is similar to an oxidation dye and could react a flake with the box colour. This could throw some off tones merely information technology would work on the hair similar using color over another color treatment. You would also be able to henna over it after only it may not take every bit well or concluding equally long due to some cuticle impairment from the color treatment.

level one

My SIL has tried to become a chip lighter later years of dyed black pilus twice at different salons but with no success...

I told her I would post on here for assist, and I know blackness hair tin have years just to go a flake lighter just she's desperate for some help!!

Currently her hair has a lot of red and orangey tones in information technology...but right now she merely wants to even it out. She was thinking of going to Sally's and picking up an ash brown dye because information technology has dark-green and maybe it volition annul the carmine her hair is pulling. Is at that place anything else she can exercise? Or a improve solution? She's very weary going to some other salon afterwards spending then much $$$ both times. Thank you!!

level 2

OK, lots going on here, so she isn't naturally a one level only is dying to a 1N or i/0? If this is the case standard bleaching volition likely not bring it back, the crimson orange tones are likely the brown in the 1N remaining or she is of Celtic decent and are natural underlying tones. A natural ash may correct it merely without seeing the tone its hard to say definitively. She could try a color remover if it is some of the black hair color, this could as well make her redder equally well. A safer solution could exist use a directly dye system to cover it up until she grows out a bit. A nonionic nitro dye system would give the least permanence due to the big molecular weight of the dyes or a basic dye system if she doesn't listen a less natural color. With situations of treatments on treatments and going dark and back tin can make for unpredictability. Best of luck!

level 2

I wouldn't recommend going darker if you desire to go lighter. Blue and purple shampoos are not all created equal most are just purple to requite the appearance of being constructive at toning blonde. I have a few solutions in heed that would aid but the problem is they aren't actually on the market. I have some direct dye toners i wanted to market for colour correction but they aren't out yet equally i wasn't positive there was a market. You could also try to blend your own from dye and conditioner, but that could be catchy getting the ratio right, i tin give yous approximate weights. I can walk you through either one if you like. Let me know what you lot desire to endeavor and i'm more than happy to help. If you'd rather ask offline e-mail me at and i'll be more than happy to help with either.

level ane

I hope I'm not likewise tardily! My hairstylist bleached my hair today and information technology turned out terribly. Is it possible to employ a toner to make information technology a sort of pastel colour? Like rosy/blue? What kind of toner would I desire to look for?

level ii

Not also belatedly, you lot could employ a toner, but toners tend to not be geared toward pastel tones. You could tone it and so attempt to dye it pastel, it'south virtually light enough to take a pastel. What color are y'all shooting for?

level 1

How did you get into this line of work? Did you lot start doing hair, or did you study the science of it offset?

level 2

I started out working in quality for a hair color manufacturer. I learned as much as possible while working with other pilus color chemists, companies and hair dressers. I eventually was given an opportunity to attempt my manus at conception and kind of took to information technology. I was then thrown into formulation projects until I was a full fledged hair color chemist making entire lines for hair color companies. I didn't start by doing hair just early on I did make quite a scrap of endeavour to learn from production educators and hair dressers to create products that they would desire to use, I recall thats has been one of the factors that has given me an edge in the process.

level ane

Hey there!

Since I have to enquire a question, I'll start with what is your favorite color or colour philharmonic?

Now that that's out of the way, if you're up for it, I'd like to chat offline near your colors & line. Effectually 5 yrs ago my wife and I created a limited ingredient natural shampoo alternative which works EXCELLENT in extending the life of color. Primarily the lack of sulfates is what makes the biggest difference, merely nosotros have other ingredients which help as well.

Would dearest to chat and see if you lot'd like to try information technology and if we might exist able to work together!


level 2

My favorite color in semi-permanent is blues, but in oxidative color its Pearl Naturals, mainly because both are challenging colors at times.

As for my colors yous're free to cheque them out world wide but I actually spent more than than ii years formulating the line, additional colors and many colour back up products. Nosotros already accept ii naturally derived, sulfate costless, EO complimentary shampoos that are designed to protect Semi-Permanent colour specifically. The testing is going extremely well and then far. Our colour is besides specifically formulated to fade in a pleasing manner so even as information technology fades you won't have to run out and recolor correct away. Just thanks for the offer!

level 1

· 5 yr. agone Straight,scarlet,fine,below chin

I hope I'm not besides late! I posted in a new thread earlier but received no replies...

I'yard working my mode to blonde from Loreal HiColor red. I started off using color oops, then Joico colour eraser, and finally used Ion Creme Lightener. Everything is going well and I'thousand managing to go along damage to a minimum. Bated from the $.25 of stubborn red that is still refusing to get out at the back of my pilus, I adult this patch of gray/bluish/dark-green at the front and I'one thousand not sure how to fix it.


level 2

You could try using something similar Wella color charm with 5 or ten book very brusk processing on that expanse but to bring it around to cherry-red again and abolish the green. If you're using HiColor Cherry depending on the colour y'all might very well cover information technology. If the porosity of the color is the aforementioned throughout you may want to do that, HiColor reds are heavy deposit mode shades the dyes are rather big so they can fade inconsistently with even slight porosity differences. Color Oops is a reducing agent which reverses oxidation but the other 2 are bleaches then there could be some variation in the way the color takes which would alloy with the patch.

level i

I have very sensitive skin, and sometimes later bleaching my scalp is slightly irritated/flaky. It always goes away within a few days, but is there any fashion I tin lessen that effect? :)

level 2

Nigh bleach systems are going to somewhat irritating, but cream bleaches would be less so, they may not elevator every bit much though. If you are using forty volume you can also utilise twenty or xxx instead, again you will have to repeat treatments but it should cause less of an result.

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